Dr. Mitesh Dhulab

Dr. Mitesh Dhulab

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Fact or Fiction: Do Root Canals Hurt?

Does the phrase “root canal” make you cringe? There’s a common misconception that root canal therapy is a painful procedure. When in fact, it is used to alleviate pain. Root Canal therapy is performed when a tooth is causing pain from an irreversible condition such as a broken tooth, infected pulp,  or a slowing dying nerve.

Root Canal therapy is performed when a tooth is causing pain from an irreversible condition such as a broken tooth, infected pulp,  or a slowing dying nerve. Most people who have undergone root canal therapy admit that they did not experience any pain during their appointment and felt better after the procedure.

Let’s debunk a few of the myth’s about root canal therapy.

MYTH #1 – Root Canal Therapy is Painful

A root canal relieves the pain associated with infection that has reached the root of the tooth, Through modern day advancements in dental technology, having a root canal feels similar to receiving a filling and can be just as painless.

MYTH #2 – Root Canals Are Only Necessary if You Are Experiencing Tooth Pain.

In some cases, teeth that have died need a root canal in order to avoid becoming infected. Rhodes Dentistry can conduct several tests in order to determine if a tooth with dead nerves is in need of root canal therapy

MYTH #3 – Root Canal Therapy is Only Temporary.

The results are long lasting. Root canals relieve patients’ tooth pain and preserve the tooth indefinitely. The final step in a root canal is a well-made and well-fit crown. With proper oral care at home and routine visits to the dentist, your tooth will last a lifetime.

MYTH #4 – Extraction is a Good Alternative to a Root Canal.

Saving your natural tooth is always the best option. A root canal with a good restoration (dental crown) is not only the most cost-effective option, it allows you to keep your natural tooth. Dental implants and other tooth replacement alternatives will require additional treatments and additional out-of-pocket expense.
If you would like to find out more about root canals in Matthews and the surrounding areas or if you think you may be in need of a root canal, give us a call. Idlewild Family Dentistry is here to help you maintain a healthy, natural smile!

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