Dr. Mitesh Dhulab

Dr. Mitesh Dhulab

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Teaching Children the Importance of Good Dental Hygiene

Tooth decay is the most chronic childhood disease. It has been estimated that over 2.26 million school days are missed each year due to dental related issues. Teaching children early on the importance of brushing of their teeth can result in a lifetime of proper dental hygiene. The result may be fewer cavities throught their childhood and can lessen the chances of gum disease and other dental problems in the future.
It can be hard for parents to get their children excited about brushing their teeth. So it is important to find fun and easy ways to help them get in the habit of keeping up a good dental hygiene routine. It is even more so important to take your child to the dentist twice a year for check-ups. The dentist is trained spot potential problems that may arise. Your childs dentist can also give tips on how to keep your childs mouth at it's healthiest.

Sunday, November 1, 2015

Today is National Brush Day!

Did you know the day after Halloween is National Brush Day? Makes sense right? There's no better time to commit to brushing and flossing than National Brush Day!

Thursday, October 29, 2015

Have Some More Dark Chocolate This Halloween

Nothing spooky about this fact! Did you know that dark chocolate is actually good for your teeth? Tannins not only give dark chocolate its slightly bitter taste, they also prevent cavities by inhibiting bacteria growth.

Monday, September 21, 2015

Idlewild Family Dentistry participates in the Annual Bounceback Backpack Program

The team at Idlewild Family Dentistry is very active in the their community. One way that they do this, is by hosting an annual backpack drive every year. The items they collect go to the Matthews Help Center where they are distributed to children in the Matthews community.